The Last Keepers of the Covenant
People dying by the millions! Infrastructures falling apart! Nature going berserk! What in the world is going on? We are at warnot only in the Middle Eastbut with aliens we cannot see and whose tactics are most often beyond our detection. It is a cosmic war that will determine the destiny of every human being that has ever existed on planet earth. The signs of this war are widespread disease, violence, natural disasters, worldwide terrorism, economic crisis, religious intolerance, and political struggles. Its final consequences will be bigreally big for the losers, incredibly big for the winners! Follow Guillermo as he leads this group through the minefield of deception, traps, intrigues, and aggression in their determination to stand up for truth and loyalty to their Prince. The Last Keepers of the Covenant by J. William Santana takes you through a thought-provoking and probable end-time scenario based on biblical prophecy. The end of the world is coming! Are you ready?